Research Essay: Discover New Ideas: "The idea behind a research essay is for the writer to propose a new discovery and trying to persuade the reader that it is a valid discovery."
At, our writers believe that writing a research paper is much like the task of a sculptor who takes a massive block of stone and chisels it into a work of art. As writers gather information and begin to chip away extraneous data, they begin to sculpt their large blocks of research into an artistic creation.
Writing Online is a new blog on writing. In this blog I am going to qoute articles on writing I found on the Web leaving links to pages where you can read these articles in full.
Also I am going to provide unedited author's resource box with a link to author's website, author's email and of course author's bio and personal information.
Writing is not simply a mechanic action, but a person's ability to create and analize.
Writing, writing, writing... Seemingly, this 'term' does not assume anything sophisticated. Prima facie, definition of 'writing' is naturally limited by conventional act of typing or drawing letters. However this may seem, writing activity incorporates not only mechanic reproduction, but creative thinking, comprehensive knowledge and thorough analytic skills.
At, our writers believe that writing a research paper is much like the task of a sculptor who takes a massive block of stone and chisels it into a work of art. As writers gather information and begin to chip away extraneous data, they begin to sculpt their large blocks of research into an artistic creation.
Unknown, at 12:53 PM
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